Category Archives: Groups

A listing of the various groups in U3A Armagh

Out-to-Lunch Bunch: Dungannon Catering College

We are planning an out-to-lunch event for,

Thursday 2nd February


Dungannon Catering College

This will be a 3-course lunch for the incredible price of £12.

UPDATE the places for the upcoming Dungannon lunch are all taken but if you want to be on the reserve list contact

Margaret Oaks at

Please note, exact timings will be provided later and you will need to arrange transportation to the college.

Aqua Aerobics

Sorry to report that there has been insufficient interest in the Aqua Aerobic classes to make them cost-effective at this time. I will periodically ask again to see if the situation changes so stay tuned.

Aqua Aerobics

In conjunction with the Armagh City Hotel, we have a chance to start an u3a Aqua Aerobics class on Thursdays at 10.00 am. We currently have 9 members interested but to keep costs to a minimum need to get as near to the maximum number of 15. 

We are hoping to have a 2-week taster session so members can decide if this is for them. If you did not previously show interest but feel you want to try Aqua Aerobics out let me know by replying to the email and we will get the ball rolling on organising the taster event.

Hill Walking Group

The Hill Walking Group started in 2011 when Armagh u3a was first set up. Our walks are varied—-in forest parks, in the hills & mountains & along country roads.

We meet weekly on Thursdays.

Walks are usually 2-4hours.

Members of the group plan and decide on the next walk at the end of each walk. The leader of the walk then posts information to the WhatsApp Group.

Hiking carries risks and participation in hiking or walking activities can result in injury. It is the responsibility of each walker to ensure he/she has the experience and fitness for any walks they undertake; sturdy footwear and waterproof clothing are essential. Denim jeans are not suitable.

Car Sharing can be arranged between members who are happy & comfortable to share & drive. Final decision is with the driver on the day.

All communication for the u3a hill walking group is by WhatsApp

Tuesday Walking Group

The Tuesday Walking Group walk on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. Meeting in the carpark in the Demesne next to the children’s playground. Numbers are currently limited to 15 participants, though this may change as Covid restrictions are relaxed. For further details contact Patricia McConville.

Bridge Group Goes online and now once again in person.

  • For further details of the arrangements for the Bridge sessions in person see the October newsletter.
  • Classes for those who have completed the beginners’ phase and wish to develop their bridge skills. There are 6 classes that consist of sets of videos followed by questions designed to explore the material presented. Each includes a brief resume of a basic idea then adds additional advanced material.
  • We are also in the process of setting up a weekly bridge playing session (the equivalent of those held in the Golf Club) on-line using the BridgeBase Online internet platform. This is an Americal system so the cost of each afternoon’s play is $1.50 (just over a pound) but we are negotiating to halve this cost. 

If you are interested in either of these please contact Dennis Hay at..