A group of forty U3A members enjoyed a great day out in Belfast on Thursday 21st November. After a lovely lunch at the Bobbin restaurant we were taken on a very informative tour of the City Hall. We were all very impressed by the grandeur and history of this magnificent building. One of the highlights was the robing room when a few members modelled the magnificent counsellor’s robe!
The day concluded with some of the ladies indulging in some retail therapy and a browse round the Christmas market.
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Outing to Lissan House
The U3A went for our first outing to Lissan House on Tuesday, 1st October.
Armagh and District U3A set out on our first cultural visit to Lissan House in Cookstown at the beginning of October. Thirty eight members enjoyed a very interesting tour of the house which has been in the Staples family for over 400 years. Our guide brought the family history alive through the unique exhibits and stories of the family characters who have shaped it over the years. It was a great joy to see how the Lissan House Trust is progressing in restoring and revitalising the estate to its original glory. The Trust was established by the late Mrs Hazel Radcliffe Dolling, the last remaining member of the Staples family. Lissan came to prominence in 2003 when it reached the national final of the BBC Restoration programme.
To view some of the photos of the event click on the smaller photos below to see the larger photo.
Picnic at Peatlands Park
On the 19th June a number of Armagh U3A members joined with Newry U3A in accepting an invitation from Upper Bann U3A to a picnic in Peatlands Park. The weather was kind and members had the choice of eating their picnic indoors or outdoors before embarking on a walk through the park.

Click on the thumbnails below to view the photographs.
Faith and Science Partnership at the Theatre
Mayor’s Reception for the Faith and Science Partnership

A selection of photographs taken at the Mayor’s Reception for the Faith and Science Partnership on Tuesday 15th May 2012. The photographs show the Mayor, Councillor Freda Donnelly, two of the speakers, Sir John Houghton and Michael Nugent, Professor Mark Bailey, Director, Armagh Observatory from the Faith and Science Partnership, and members of the U3A from Armagh, Upper Bann, Dungannon, Newry and Monaghan.
Click on the thumbnails below to view the photographs
Civic Reception
Members of Armagh U3A were invited to a Civic Reception by the Mayor of Armagh City and District, Councillor Mrs Freda Donnelly. The original venue was to have been the Mayor’s Parlour, however the collapse of a ceiling in the building during the night necessitated a change of venue to the City Hotel.
More pictures of the event can be viewed by clicking on the thumbnails below.
Christmas Lunch – 2011
The Armagh and District U3A Christmas lunch took place in the County Armagh Golf Club on Wednesday, 30th November at 1:00pm.
Members were entertained before the meal by our own choir, pictured here in full voice. A very enjoyable meal was had by all and we are grateful to the catering staff at the Golf Club for laying on such a good spread.
More pictures of the event can be viewed by clicking on the thumbnails below.
The Bridge Group
The bridge group normally meets each Monday afternoon in the Golf Club from 2:00 to 4:30pm.
There are both experienced players and beginners.
The convener for the group is Patricia McConville – 028 3889 1247