All posts by admin

May Meeting

We are holding our May meeting in the Cardinal O’Fiaich Library, Moy Road, Armagh on Friday 17th May at 10.30am. 

Our speaker this month is Sean Barden, curator of Armagh County Museum. 

The talk will be about “the Boyle letters of the 1890s”. Yes, you may be asking yourself “What are the Boyle letters?” Well……the only way to find out is to come along to the meeting. Sean always makes subjects interesting so I am sure you won’t be disappointed.

April Meeting + AGM

We are holding our AGM in the Cardinal O’Fiaich Library, Moy Road, Armagh on Friday 19th April at 10.15am. Sharp! 

Coffee will be available from 10:00 onwards.

A full Agenda will be emailed out to you early next week, hopefully, along with subscription notification for the year commencing April 2024. As last year, it will be possible to pay by Bank Transfer but you will also be able to pay in person after our Talk which follows the AGM.

Following the AGM will be a talk by Rosie Hickey, Heritage Officer, Strand Arts Centre, Belfast and her subject is “Armagh Picture House Past”. I attended a talk by Rosie last year about the history of cinema in N Ireland and it was a real walk down memory lane and very interesting.

March Meeting

Our March meeting will be held in the Cardinal O’fiaich Library, Moy Road, Armagh on Friday 22nd March at 10.30am. 

Our speaker this month is John Woods founder of Linwoods Health Foods. The talk will be about living a healthy lifestyle including food, mental attitude, exercise, purpose in life and living a long, healthy and happy life.

Our AGM will be on Friday 19th April (before our speaker that day) so please think again about putting yourself forward for the committee (ideally before our next committee meeting on 8th April).

Finally, just a reminder that EVERYONE attending the monthly meeting should contribute a £1 to the “pot” whether you have coffee & biscuits or not as it makes sense to “balancing the books” at these monthly gatherings. Also, could everyone please sign the U3a Attendance book which should be beside the coffee dispensing table.

February Meeting

We are holding our February meeting in the Cardinal O’Fiaich Library, Moy Road, Armagh on Friday, 16th February at 10.30am. 

Our speaker this month is Billy Stewart, Crime Prevention Officer for ABCCouncil .

The Committee recently decided that EVERYONE attending the monthly meeting should contribute a £1 to the “pot” whether you have coffee & biscuits or not as it’s becoming more and more difficult balancing the books! Also, could everyone please sign the U3a Attendance book which (hopefully!) will be fairly close to the coffee dispensing table.

Christmas Quiz


Yes we are pleased to announce that our Xmas Quiz has returned after last year’s COVID postponement. So get your diaries out

This is to be held in the Cardinal O’Fiaich Library on December 15th 

Doors open at 10.30 am and the quiz starts at 11.00 am.

Don’t worry, it’s a fun quiz with easy questions needing little detailed knowledge.

As before, the last round is a Hoots Mon! round where I try to raise your knowledge of all things Scottish with an extra special prize of a bottle of whisky for the team getting the best score on this round.

 Again there are VERY expensive prizes for the winners and runners up

Xmas food treats, coffee and if we can manage even mulled wine at the start. 

Teams of up to 5 but these can be arranged on the day so you don’t need to come mob handed. And it only costs £2/person

See you all then … I can hardly wait!

p.s. Xmas fancy dress optional

Christmas Lunch

Armagh & District u3a wishes to invite you to our Christmas Lunch

This will be held on January 19th in the Armagh City Hotel.

Pre Lunch drinks from 12.15 pm with the meal at 1.00 pm.

The cost is £25 (subsidised)

If you intend to come, click on the link below to tell us the names (a maximum of 2) and the choice of Starter and Main course from the menu at the end of this

Click on this link ➡️

There will be opportunities to pay for tickets at the u3a Xmas Quiz on December the 15th and on a January date and place that we confirm in a follow-up email.

We hope to see you ALL then!

November Meeting

We are holding our November meeting in the Cardinal O’fiaich Library, Moy Road, Armagh on Friday 17th November at 10.30am. 

Our speaker this month is Canon Jim Campbell and he will be giving an illustrated talk on the life and times of Sir John Lavery, Artist.

Coincidentally the National Gallery of Ireland is hosting a major exhibition entitled “Lavery On Location” which runs until mid-January 2024 and has apparently been described as “exceptional” and “dreamy, dreamy, dreamy.” So hopefully we’ll all be inspired to jump on the train to Dublin to see for ourselves!

Groups – Latest Update

Below is information about our current interest groups..

Please do not hesitate to contact any of those listed below for more information or email with your queries.

LINE DANCING – Group Co-ordinator – Florence Johnston. Line dancing classes meet each Friday at 2:15 pm in Dobbin Street community centreand last approximately 1 hour. For information contact

THE PACEMAKERS (WALKING) – Group Co-ordinator – Ann Cassidy. This is a more leisurely walking group where chatting is as important as walking. This meets each Tuesday at 10.15 am. in the car park at Palace beside the kids’ playground. (Meet anyway if theweather is poor for an early coffee!) For moreinformation contact Ann○

TUESDAY WALKING – Group Co-ordinator –Patricia McConville. This meets every Tuesday at 10.00am at the car park at Palace beside the kid’splayground. For more information contact Patricia

HILL WALKING – Group Co-ordinator –Caroline Good. Meets at the Palace car park beside the kid’s playground every Thursday at 9.30 am. For more information contact Caroline

CYCLING – Group Co-ordinator – Peter Good. This meets every Wednesday at 9.30 am. Locations vary. For additional information contact Peter

FRENCH – Group Co-ordinator – GeraldineTurley. Meeting on Mondays at 2.00 pm in the O’FiaichLibrary. For more information contact Geraldine

BOOK GROUP – Group Co-ordinator – MaryMcVeigh. Meeting monthly on a Wednesday at 2 pm. in the O’Fiaich Library. For more information contact Mary at

BRIDGE – Group Co-ordinator – PatriciaMcConville/Brian Clarke. This meets in the Armagh Golf Club every Monday at 2 p.m. for social bridge. We also offer beginners and improvers classes. For more information contact Patricia at

CHOIR – This meets every Monday at 4.00p.m. For more information contact Elenor at○

LOCAL HISTORY – Group Co-ordinator – MaryMcVeigh. Meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at11.30 am in the O’Fiaich Library. For more informationc ontact Mary at

OUT TO LUNCH – Group Co-ordinator –Margaret Oakes. These are occasion events that are advertised by email as and when they are organised. For more information contact Margaret a

PETANQUE – Group Co-ordinator – Tim Hanna. This meets in the Sensory Garden at The Palace. Every Tuesday at 2 p.m. In hibernation until the sun/warmth returns! For more information contact Tim at

PILATES – Group Co-ordinator – MargaretOakes. Meets in the Armagh City Hotel on Wednesdays. Classes are at 10.30/11.30 am. For more informationcontact Margaret at

YOGA – Group Co-ordinator – Caroline Good. This meets at the Dobbin Street Community Centre. For information contact Caroline at

WINE APPRECIATION – Group Co-ordinator –Peter Good. For information contact Peter at

Singing Group

U3a choir/ singing group restarting Monday, 9th October at 4:00 pm.  
We have got a wonderful accompanist in Rodney Spence and would really welcome some new members. Including men (don’t worry there is already a decent cohort)
This is a singing for fun group so you don’t have to be a diva nor be able to read music and it goes without saying that it’s a very friendly group of people!
If interested please text or phone Eleanor 07753616069 for further details.